An automated in situ FTIR cell for materials characterisation in a controlled atmosphere



Motorised cell where all the analysis functions are automated: sample’s position, spectra acquisition, configuration of analysis cycles…

Temperature control

A thermocouple is placed at the proximity of the sample to ensure a better control and a precise measurement of the sample’s temperature during the experiment.


  • Cell body and suspension in inert materials (Quartz and Pyrex)
  • Safety cover (plexi transparent)
  • Support plate made of aluminum adapted to the sample compartment of the spectrometer
  • Sample-holder made of platinum
  • Sample: Self-supported pellet (16 mm)
  • Working pressure : 10⁻⁶ mbar to atmospheric pressure
  • Tubular oven (Tmax = 700 °C)
  • Control panel and control interface
  • Management of experiment and temperature calibration libraries
Sample in upper position for thermal treatment
Sample in lower position for spectrum acquisition
Sample in intermediate position for background and gas phase acquisition


  • 3 valve glass fitting (glass-metal) for precise addition of probe molecules
  • Temperature controller
  • K type Thermocouple
  • Pressure measuring gauge and readers
  • RT and low-temperature window ports
Sample holder with the self-supported pellet (16 mm) and the thermocouple near the sample.


  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the materials properties: acidity, basicity, composition, dispersion…
  • Adsorption of probe molecules at ambient and low temperatures (temperature of liquid nitrogen)
  • Thermal stability studies in a controlled atmosphere

Additional ressources:

Impact of the Si/Al ratio on the ethanol/water coadsorption on MFI zeolites revealed using original quantitative IR approaches